
The ‘S’ word: Egyptian sex life

Egypt, where sex is still a very much taboo subject,
ranks high (NR. 1 in the World) on the list of countries generating the most Porn-related online searches.

Despite the proclivities their online indulgences imply, many Egyptians disavow any knowledge of sex, or the role it plays in their lives, for fear of violating social norms.

Through a series of interviews, a mosaic of the wildly differing points of view and perspectives Egyptians have regarding sex and its role in contemporary society. Sex therapists, physicians, writers, artists and college students all share their opinions; insightful contributions that range from entertaining to illuminating to disturbing—particularly those of a handful of doctors and sex “experts” whose comments reveal a chilling detachment from the notion of basic human rights and sexuality.

in a busy downtown square we asks them what they think about sex. Most of the men giggle awkwardly, while women—especially college-aged girls—are quick to assure they know nothing of the subject, with the answers usually falling firmly in the “sex is for reproduction” camp. We proceeds to examine the causes behind the vagueness, denial and outright shame Egyptians so closely associate with sex, be it pre- or post-marital, as well as the rampant double standards that have come to define men and oppress women across the country.

with a separate topic such as masturbation, female sexuality, extra-marital affairs and female genital mutilation. The latter is the most disturbing, beginning with a sudden horrendous act which many still commit out of a belief that it will protect their daughters from a future of promiscuity resulting from being able to enjoy sex. also the controversy generated by the issue, manifested mainly in the ongoing clashes between the Ministry of Family and Population and Islamist groups. In one of the interviews, renowned sex therapist and television personality Heba Kotb unwittingly embodies a further disturbing dimension to the debate by pompously explaining that while female genital mutilation isn’t essentially right, it is necessary in many cases in order to prevent discomfort caused by friction between clothes and a large clitoris.

Contradictions and warped perspectives of this sort characterize “Sex Talk,”. while masturbation isn’t forbidden by religion, people should be “kept in the dark” about it to avoid “wearing out their organs” a truly fascinating range of the confusion with which a significant amount of Egyptians approach sex.