It is also known what we will discover there: Egyptian papyruses announcing unbelievable things lying ahead of us. There are some clues in several of Slosman’s books about the Labyrinth. According to his decoding of the hieroglyphs, the archives talk about a civilization with the same background and culture as the Egyptians, as well as the same laws, art and diplomacy. Next to this, the secret knowledge, hidden in their sacred texts, should not be forgotten. Future priests were taught extensively about this. In a period of four years, they had to struggle through forty-two textbooks, originating from the Labyrinth.
The first two contain hymns worshipping Ptah and Ra. The following two contain the chronicles of the Pharaohs, which go back more than 30,000 years! These are exact, because they coincide with the astral mathematical combinations of the Zodiac. Then they had the "Books of the Four Times" about astronomy, the first scriptures of which go back to their first native country: Aha-Men-Ptah, a name that was later phonetically changed into Atlantis.
The first of these writings discuss the astronomical past, the second the period at that time and the future; the fourth is completely dedicated to Ptah. Ten scriptures describe in detail the traditional religion with its celebrations and ceremonies. Four discuss the medical knowledge, the structure of the skeleton, medical instruments and healing through plants. Ten books contain laws, an unprecedented treasure full of secrets. Other books discuss their escape of the previous catastrophe and their flight to Ath-Ka-Ptah (Egypt). What else is there to find in this "Circle of Gold"? More than you could ever imagine!
In the centre there is a circle depicting the zodiac of Dendera, in which the twelve star signs represented in large scale. Ptah stands in the central point and must have had a statue that is beyond any description. Nut, the mother of Osiris, stands close by. In the second circle there are more complex things to see. They illustrated here the thirty-six elements that enabled them to calculate the previous catastrophe in advance. This was of vital importance. Without these calculations, nobody could have survived that cataclysm, which had been many times bigger than the one of 21,312 BC! Besides, their country had disappeared completely under the South Pole (after the reversal of the poles).
Geb, the last ruler of Aha-Men-Ptah, who had died in the previous catastrophe, is also depicted here. He carries on his head the weight of the earth, which will resurrect through his wife Nut. She could escape and set together with the survivors the basis of the new native country. Without proper knowledge of this mixture of historical and spiritual events, you cannot make a reliable reconstruction of the history of Egypt. The Great Sphinx, for instance, is depicted as a lion, because the previous catastrophe took place in the Age of the Lion.
In the zodiac of Dendera there are broken lines underneath the lion, which symbolize a huge tidal wave.
The labyrinth also contains heaps of hieroglyphs about the exodus to Egypt, and illustrations that point to a new Age, like Taurus and Aries.
Furthermore, it shows an indescribable planisphere (a map of the sky with two hemispheres) which depicts an innumerable amount of stars. And most important of all: we can find the knowledge of how to calculate a polar reversal! In short, the knowledge you can find there overshadows any other archeological discovery. Hopefully, we do not have to wait too long for this anymore.
The flood will destroy our whole civilization...