Nobody knows where to look for it, only you know where. However, this is not all. The scientists and artists belonging to this civilization have disappeared, and they left a crucial message. A message about an imminent catastrophe that will destroy the whole earth within several years.
Of that you are totally convinced, because you were able to decipher crucial codes. Codes containing items they could not possibly have known unless they had a highly advanced knowledge of astronomy.
This is piled up in a "Hall of Records". According to our findings this "Hall of Records" is in the Labyrinth at Hawara. The Egyptian name for this gigantic complex is: The Double House of Life from the "Mathematical Celestial Combinations".
Where you can find this gargantuan building, you can read in my previous article.
In it you can find the secrets of all profound science and the entire knowledge and wisdom of a lost civilisation (knowledge of history and astronomy, maps of the earth, etceteras). Ancient Egyptian Papyri make tantalizing statements about hidden chambers - the Chamber of Archives, etceteras.
The Pole Catastrophe of Atlantis
The facts mentioned hereafter, have been translated from old manuscripts by the Egyptologist Albert Slosman. In addition, his findings on his unique deciphering of hieroglyphs inscribed on temples. For these reasons you have to acknowledge the following text to be true.You are now going back to the year 21,312 BC, the year of a shocking occurrence. In those days, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) had a moderate climate. Vast forests covered the north of the country. It snowed occasionally and ice was an almost unknown phenomenon. In the south, excessive vegetation predominated the whole year. Many extinct species of animals used to live here, like gorillas without a flat nose, enormous but peaceful mammoths, rhino’s four meters high with four toes and sabre-toothed tigers.
On the southern end of this immense continent, you could mainly see mountains and plains, which contained valuable treasures: fertile lands producing their goods almost without any help. The horizon was predominated by mountain chains. You could also see a few pyramid-shaped cones of extinct volcanoes. They had been inactive for such a long time that nobody could remember their last eruptions. The inhabitants could imagine nothing but green trees, some of which had lovely fruit they could eat during all seasons. In short, the legendary paradise described in the Bible was located here. This story has simply been taken from Egyptian history.
We shall sink again, just as Atlantis...
The Paradise Subjected to Huge Earthquakes
The inhabitants had knowledge of the earth’s movement around the sun and the shifting of the zodiac. That is why they were able to pass on to us what happened in those days. In less than one hour a catastrophe took place. It did not involve a total reversing like the one of 9792 BC, but a partial one. Not only the continent, but also the whole earth was subjected to huge earthquakes. Then the earth’s axis began to glide. Buildings collapsed, mountain chains shook and crumbled, while it seemed that the world had started to slip away. Before this event, the sun had risen in the 15th degree of Sagittarius.After the elements had spent themselves away, the axis of the earth had moved to the end of Aquarius! The movement of the planet filled the seas with an enormous quantity of kinetic energy. Uncontrollable water floods washed over large parts of land. Atlantis sank below water level, and because of the shift of the earth, it came to lie partially under, at that time, the North Pole, and was covered with a thick layer of ice. As of that day, the true history of Atlantis began. The few survivors regrouped in the south, since the north had become uninhabitable. However, although The Great North had vanished, Atlantis was still many times bigger than Europe.
Deeply shocked, they decided to study the sky even more accurately than before. They registered in detail a specific interval of time. All movements and combinations of the sun, the moon and the planets were most thoroughly noted down and graphically reproduced on scrolls. In those days, they had no television, radio, cinema or other possibility of relaxation. Therefore, people had loads of time to gaze at the stars while sitting by the ashes of a hot glowing campfire. A long time ago, their ancestors had discovered figures in the sky. Some resembled animals like for instance a bear, a bull, a horse, a lion, and etceteras. They would argue over this for hours, until they could agree to a mutual name.
Now specific attention was being paid to the movement of the Zodiac. The slightest detail was intensively studied and described. It could well be that in this the codes were hiding what had led to the catastrophe. They saw that the stars and the sun always rose in the west (nowadays this is in the east), so that the stars needed one whole night to pass the sky. In addition, they also noticed that different star signs were seen in different seasons. It never happened that suddenly a new star sign would show up in the west. Everything evidenced an order and predictable regularity. It comforted them in the loss of all that had died in the catastrophe.
As time went on, they discovered other stellar phenomena. Some stars rose or sunk just before sunrise and the times and places varied with the seasons. It was actually a rediscovery of what their ancestors already had found out. However, with their dedication and skill, they were eventually able to explore in depth lots of celestial codes.
Furthermore, they researched the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius with the utmost curiosity. When you call up on your computer screen the starry sky after the catastrophe, you will see this is quite logical. At that time, Orion ruled mainly over the northern and the southern starry sky of the earth. Besides, it was the clearest visible constellation. Sirius was in line with Orion and the Zodiac and it is a big brilliant star. This is why they paid so much attention to it.
After the catastrophe, life on this huge continent recuperated. People discovered metal like iron, copper and lead and found out how to exploit them. They made beautiful silver and gold ornaments and they ascribed healing values to "precious" stones, originating from the fluid of each of the twelve suns of the Zodiac. As they progressed in getting more knowledge and in the rational use of raw materials, they decided to build religious buildings. This led to a super construction with a cross-section of eight kilometers: "The Circle of Gold", which took them hundreds of years to complete. In this indescribably gigantic building the "Mathematical Celestial Combinations" were studied by the "Experts of the Number", and all astronomical and other observations were registered.
They studied the sun, the planets and the stars. They discovered the laws of movement, gravity, cartography and of countless other sciences. More than 15,000 years ago, they formulated the world famous theorem of Pythagoras and developed mathematics almost up to our present level. Finally, this led to the unveiling of the biggest secret of sciences: the Sunspot Cycle Theory. Through accurate deduction, they were able to calculate the cycles beforehand. The critical issue was the magnetic fields of the sun. When these fields reach a crucial point, they result in enormous sun-outbursts that are capable to reverse the magnetic field of the earth. With the aid of this knowledge, they could calculate the exact date of a forthcoming “Great Cataclysm,” which would completely destroy their country. Despite the fact that this was solely announced at the royal palace, the news spread like fire. Panic broke out, until the high priest stated the date lay two thousand years ahead in the future.
The Zodiac of Dendera